Woman who confronted superstar life coach Tony Robbins speaks out
Nanine McCool who appeared in a now-viral clip in which Robbins seemed to dismiss the #MeToo movement said she's "tired of being shamed for having been a victim."
Nanine McCool who appeared in a now-viral clip in which Robbins seemed to dismiss the #MeToo movement said she's "tired of being shamed for having been a victim."
Too good to be true…
People pay $3,000 to hear the same Tony Robbins platitudes that they can hear on YouTube for free.
Yeah… there’s a reason some of these people are “out of work”, while simultaneously paying $3000 to a charlatan selling them simple solutions to complex problems.
They aren’t the brightest pennies in the fountain.
Religion hasn’t gone away by any means today. It just takes on many different forms.
@SikoSoft and then there are people that talk nonsense. Accuse people of being charlatans and others they don’t even know of being out of work and paying $3,000 without presenting any proof
Mehmed Tiro You can’t help or argue with the super ignorant. Cheers
Black Tortoise That is a great point. ??
The statement “there is a reason” automatically assumes that the forthcoming statement is automatically true.
You lost me at Buzzfeed
Here’s the deal… how can a 15 year old be working in retail??!??!? why didn’t buzzfeed step up and take on child exploitation as a real issue, not a subjective one?!
@on the rocks with salt I’ve never checked them out. What’s the problem with them in a nut shell?
Buzzfeed is a cancer to humanity.
I’ve attended UPW in November. I feel like Tony Robbins comments were taken out of context. Learning much about myself and about his techniques on empowering people, I’ve learned that many people (like me for example) have made themselves into a victim. If you understand Tony’s 6 human needs one of them is significance. He was saying some people will turn themselves into a victim (not realizing it) in order to feel significant. I did this for all of my life not realizing it. The truth will set you free but first it’s gonna piss you off!!! I had to learn that by me playing the victim card I was giving my power away. I’m not saying AT ALL that women in the #metoomovement are playing the victim card at all!! So please don’t turn my words around… what I’m saying is that I understand what Tony’s approach was and his words we clearly taken out of context here!
José de Jesus
where your proof of evidence? How do you know for sure the women are not lying?
Yeah right Alien (man in disguise as a woman)… stop hating on women. He was clearly out of line.
@Silver Sundown Machine language is nonsense tbf
Someone more polarizing is an easy target for empty accusations. Having a high profile by itself puts a target on your head. Stalkers, people with weird fixations, hustlers, people with a loose grasp on reality. Dude has been around at least since the 90s. Only 4 accusations is impressive lol
Thank you!
this guy is just the best. gave so much value to this world and saved people life. give some respect .
He’s clearly only talking about people misusing the #metoo movement. Scheming thots are nothing new and you can’t ignore that while simultaneously demanding all people “believe all women” despite knowing better.
Brittany Elliott I never said everyone is misusing it. People need to stop using only extremes and realize there’s such a thing as nuance. Just bc I don’t automatically trust all women doesn’t mean I don’t believe the ones with credible evidence. And just because I dislike Joe Biden, I still think he should be allowed due process. Thats perfectly reasonable and decent. Believing all people of any group whether it’s men/women or white/black is the height of ignorance. Same as NOT believing ANY men/women, white/black, etc. find the middle grounds and be reasonable.
Music Sounds I’m an idiot bc I don’t actually believe all women…. ok lmao. If you really believe all women don’t vote for Biden bc he’s been accused of rape and the allegation is much more substantiated than that ridiculous Kavanaugh rape allegation. You either believe all women or you don’t and for you to tell me I’m an idiot for not auto-believing all women just means you’re extremely naieve or brainwashed.
Noah, your idiocy is astounding.
@Tori Ladybird dont feel like that just be yourself. Use your intuition to accept a drink from a man that approaches.
But not everyone is misusing it. There is polarity in everything. His point isn’t this great point it’s common sense. As well as her. She’s experienced something he hasn’t. He clearly got ego problems. He just ran into someone who wasn’t worshipping him. Can’t blame her for thinking for herself or having her own opinion. Like his. He was still tryna place his above hers. But these men also be paying to sleep with these scheming hoes. And just because they are a hoe. Doesn’t give anybody the right to feel they owe them sex.
There is something forced and aggressive in his approach. I still prefer Abraham Hicks.
Tony is being too intimidating here and he had no right to be.
He should of punched her right in the face…?
Cult to personality never ends well
A guy says Me Too can be misused.
“It doesn’t make you safe, it just makes the other person angry” …. wow.
@Zephiniyah Ha’Mashiach’s people killed and raped one another in the bronze age through to the present with god on their mind.
Yep, everybody wants to be right. Nobody is willing to take responsibility for their own actions. Or take ownership of their words, thoughts and feelings.
People just get all caught up in their anger, and spew it out. When ever they feel like it. and play the blame game.
Human beings left to themselves will kill each other. We need God in our lifes. Nobody has the ability to self govern any more.
There is no moral standard, without God in our lifes.
Just look at the current state we are in right now.
Our country, judicial laws, are all based on the Written word of God.
With out God actually being in each of our lifes, we will run in place, never going anywhere just in circles.
Time to change our selfs and turn back to God.
How about: your emotions are not my responsibility???? Who the heck gave you the authority to put the responsibility of your unjustified anger on another living being? Own your emotions. “You made me angry, sad, mad, glad, do that immoral thing”…..toni robbins is a bully
@Shabnam Rafique Lol wtf are you talking about? He’s pushing her in the vid, so in your analogy that’s him attacking her, and she standing her ground would be analogous to her defending herself. Your analogy falls flat. Just look at the statement quoted above – he is clearly implying MeToo allegations are meant to provoke the accused more than empower the victim. If you think this is true of all or even most MeToo allegations, you like Tony are a braindead fucking moron. There’s one example of a person being empowered by the movement in the video above itself, and if you bothered to search the internet you’ll find thousands of other examples.
He is right here, whatever her actions if these actions provoke the abuser the target isn’t safe. It’s about finding the balance between provoking the abuser and defending yourself safely against their abuse. JD managed to somehow find that balance; it involves setting boundaries in a healthy and safe manner. #MeToo movement doesn’t help “victims” to do that. Give me one example of a target of abuse who feels safe as a result of the #MeToo movement now? Truth be told this movement was designed to be undermined. It gave abusers the platform to shout “I’m the victim”!!!
never date a man who claps off beat:))
The beat failed to match his clap.
SO true!
what if its intentional?
#boycotttonyrobbins The man had to discriminate? And your advice to him was what? Pat on the back and a high five? You sleep well at night? Come on Tony! Really? Im disgusted. Fully.
OMG!! I can’t believe he shared a story of the business who couldn’t hire the woman who was more qualified in front of a woman who was TRYING to share her truth with him. His programs seem very “masculine” and not inclusive!!
There is no “her truth.” There is only THE truth.
He said something that made her stand up…we can now have this conversation…Awesome! She is most definitely not a victim and yes he and all of us have a lot to learn!
so well said.
Thanks Tom. So true. The Fire of Moses needs to go to hell..
tom lund okay..agreed..I misunderstood your reply
Silver Sundown Machine she is standing against it just by stand up! It’s inspiring!
He was talking about the wider trend of people using victim culture to not take responsibility for their lives
S M. Or maybe he just had a bad moment or day. Just cause he‘s a motivational speaker, he doesn‘t have all the answers to life and is still a human being. And human beings have bad days and make mistakes. Period.
Look I have critiqued the hell out of the metoo movement because I am tired of some of these women who were compliant, now playing a victim role to drag someone else down. However, the way he addressed this lady did not reflect a man who has the answers to life (which people pay him for). It even felt like he is afraid a woman will come after him because maybe with his money and influence he has had a few situations with women that can be questionable? It didn’t make him look good at all…
Exactly. .love your statement !!
media cant be trusted
I’ve been saying anyone who charges thousands of dollars to walk across hot coals is nothing more than a scammer. All his good content free and online. Dude is a salesmen just like most motivational speakers.
He was knocking “Victimhood”, and truly it doesn’t make one happy.
The Fire Of Moses you’re slowwww ?
As a “life coach” why would he “knock it”? Is it not, as a function of his purpose to motivate people , to lift them up out of their self proclaimed victimhood ? Rather than invalid and mock their feelings? Whether their victimhood is justified is irrelevant of course
I have to discriminate against qualified, attractive women because other employees will be inappropriate????
Anastasia Maria
I was on board with you until you made this about WHITE men…you simply have to take a look around the globe to see that women are treated much more inhumanely by men of color…I don’t , however use this knowledge to stereotype all men of color – or all men period.
Anastasia Maria LOOOOOOOL “boo booo boooo” I’m saving this one that was funny
@leon archer My coworker is a married man..who for some strange reason can’t seem to discipline himself. I clearly am too quiet and stupid to be so clueless to his strange advances. I noticed only in the last few months that God knows what hes thinking in his little head..I didnt say anything to him infact I keep away and keep it simple and casual. But it seems he wants me to talk to him more. He seems like a good human BUT BUT he is stupid and one of qthese days will get a piece of my mind cause I cant stand how he stares at me or recently he actually passed by me and rubbed himself into me. WTF!?!?
How dare you!! God know what delusional mind he Carrie’s and what he think in his stupid brain. I’m glad hes leaving soon cause I would probabaly burst at him. He knows I dont talk to him cause I dont get good vibes from him. Ughhh.
@Beauty Challenge Channel now we cant all be housewives..men tend to become stupid when women dont speak up and they dont hear women’s side… sad to see so many men be closed minded about this..but if there are a lot that arent…
It is about balance and truly listening to each other and seeing the other as a human.