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Virgin StartUp Mentor – Annalisa Del Carro, Clocci Creative

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Annalisa Del Carro is co-founder of Clocci Creative, an award winning branding agency that's worked with some of the UK's most loved brands and startups. She's also a Virgin StartUp mentor helping entrepreneurs to survive and thrive. Here she explains why she became a mentor and how she's helping entrepreneurs who've received funding from www.virginstartup.org

Manny Kanabe is the CEO of I Generation Consulting Ltd, and the CFO for many exciting other companies, working with key business figures all over the globe – from working with the Post Office Network to develop an exciting new tech platform, to working with some of the biggest international airlines.

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One comment

  1. David Larson

    This is a wonderful effort that Virgin is working on. It is extremely rare and very exciting to see those that are successful actually sharing knowledge and assisting others with a financial leg up. So much talent and who knows how many life changing or saving ideas never see the light of day because the one who is blessed with the vision has no idea where to start or the means to make their dreams reality?
     I was born a builder and an artist. Actually, both skill sets/talents manifest themselves in the other. However I was an artist before i was a builder and art still rules almost as if it were a separate entity within me. Difficult concept to explain but its almost everyday that i feel the pull to create leading me into a different medium and expression thereof, than the day or week before. Sometimes I get a rare break and I am able too complete a work before the flood of urges and ideas arrive in my noggin and demand I write this poem or song, paint this concept or sketch another idea to build or carve and always of differing materials and expressions then the last. I am usually working two or three projects at once. Add a full time custom home and business design/build/remodeling handyman gig to the mix and…well…I hate to admit it, but I do not have the mental capacity left it requires to brush my hair, wash clothes and forget maintaining a workable schedule. I am a very good cook, or so I have been told,  I just forget to eat. And while I stay very, very busy I can not seem to amass the funds required to attain a variety of materials and the space for a studio/workshop needed to fulfill my dream of being an artist/inventor/musician/designer/barista…..I’ll explain that last another time. (Lets just say its a part of my master plan muuhoahahahaa!)
     I suppose one could assume, after reading this, that my dream is a bit complex, most likely even insane. I have to admit, that would be an understatement, however, I do not believe it insurmountable.
    To sum it up, a woman once asked me in an online chat session “What are your dreams David, what is it that you really want to achieve?” my response, ” i would that I were free and fluid enough to create beauty in whatever form it presents itself to me, and tacky as it may sound, to have a positive influence on as many lives as possible through my creations.
    If i were eligible as a candidate too your program, I am willing to bet there is some relief amongst the mentors at Virgin that your not here in the states yet. 😉 Hopefully you will be soon! I am certain there are thousands of bright minds filled with amazing ideas just waiting for your assistance in setting them free. Thank you for all that you do Sir Branson and the Virgin team as a whole. Sincerely, David L.

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