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No more MONK-ey business! Taking control with Esper Monastery Mentor in Legacy!

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I play a Magic the Gathering Online Legacy league with Esper Monastery Mentor Control! This list was a request from Patreon subscriber Jeremy who wanted to see my take on Esper Control in Legacy. It turns out that sometimes the easy answer is the best one, so I updated Callum "WhiteFaces" Smith's Esper Mentor deck from right after the Oko ban with some sweet new Strixhaven cards and got right to work.


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0:00 Intro
0:35 Deck Tech
4:41 Round 1
20:15 Round 2
40:41 Round 3
1:18:21 Round 4
1:43:32 Round 5
2:16:43 Final Thoughts

Business inquiries: boshnrollstream@gmail.com

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#MTG #MTGLegacy #MTGStrixhaven

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  1. mat

    I’ve been trying out esper mentor and liking the deck more and more and I always wondered (nobody can tell me why lol) why is there only 3 force of will? Is it because you want more exile or something else ?

  2. Alexander Skripko

    This deck is very similar to the Esper Stoneblade midrange. Do you think Mentor is better than the Stoneforge package? And also don’t you think that Hymn is somewaht clunky? Making you lose to your own manabase too often. Maybe playing just 2 thoughtseizes instead would be better?

    1. Jacob Wheeler

      Yes, technically they could have, but I think his opponent would have had to make such a deep read on the situation to do that. Putting in Omni is 99.99% of the time the right thing to do.

  3. Tyrisalthan

    Maybe 20 lands is too few?
    If you would put in one more of each basic land it would make total of 23, which would probably be enough. It would also help out a bit against back to basics and wasteland (and even against stifle in lesser extent), by being basic lands.

    If you are worried about spell density, then maybe use the dfc spell-lands from the last zendikar block instead of extra basics? The black kill spell seem decent at least.

    1. Blake Jones

      @Tyrisalthan it depends on the situation. Do think of it this way. the reason you need higher land counts in other formats is you want consistency. The Cantrips give you that consistency without worrying about flooding. If your playing a game where you need 6+ lands you would want more in the main even if you have the ability to filter. But here you want around 4. So in theory decks that need less to function run even less. ( Rug delver runs between 15-18) Then the next question is, why not run more Cantrips instead of the lands. The answer is deminishing returns.

    1. Victor Pluntky

      @BoshNRoll Your argument would make sense if you didn’t cast FoW exiling FoN from your hand. All I was trying to say is that the reverse made more sense if you are gonna get rid of those two cards anyway.

    2. BoshNRoll

      Their deck does not have Hall of Heliod in it. It does have Life from the Loam and Punishing Fire. I’m saving my precious main deck exile effects for cards that need to be exiled. Valakut Exploration are Crop Rotation are the only great targets for Force of Will in the matchup, I’m going to lock in my value when I get the chance.

    1. BoshNRoll

      That line opens them up to Teferi, Council’s Judgement, Supreme Verdict, edicts, Karkas, Terminus, etc. I don’t play them all, but you have to respect them. Omni is literally in the deck to avoid those outs. The only way the Omni line gets punished is if I have a way to “steal” priority AND an instant speed answer to Omni. With perfect information they’re probably better off putting Emrakul straight in there, but there’s no reasonable way to deduce that without seeing my hand.

    1. BoshNRoll

      Close to nothing. I don’t think that card is very good. I think it will follow the Opposition Agent trajectory of seeing lots of play at first then people slowly realize it doesn’t do what they want and cut it.

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