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Life Coaching Session Structure To Elevate Your Coaching Sessions | Christine Hassler

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How does a life coaching session actually look like? We're breaking down a coaching session by master life coach Christine Hassler to identify the structure and techniques she uses to create transformation. Discover Christine's 4 layers of transformative coaching here:

How does a life coaching session actually look like? In this video, we're breaking down a real-life coaching demonstration by master life coach Christine Hassler recorded live at our Evercoach Summit event.

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    1. Evercoach by Mindvalley

      ​@Franziska Pannicke Thanks for asking, Franziska! You could check out “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.

      We definitely recommend you this video with expert Marisa Peer, she talks about self-coaching tools that tackle those topics. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/NZM3-AlbcOc

      We hope this helps 🙂

  1. Anonymous

    The problem is that whenever someone makes the client “emotional” it is somehow a “success”. I am not sure this is always a good thing. Not everyone reacts well when they break down but many need practical solutions rather than getting another “therapy” session from coaches. Just my 5 cents.

  2. Living Best Life

    I am a new life coach who started doing one on one coaching session since some months only! So happy to find these videos. I also like the commentary in between the session by Ajit breaking down stuff and reminding the main message. So happy to discover Evercoach by Mindvalley.

    1. Evercoach by Mindvalley

      Perfect timing, Jennifer! We are sharing Christine’s full talk with the live coaching session very soon. Make sure you’re subscribed to our channel so you can get the notification as soon as it’s out 😉

  3. awarenessandaction

    This is great to see how she works as a coach and how the session takes shape. However, and this is just a perception. It seems to me that it would be better to see this Raw, with someone who is not a coach themselves or training to be a coach. Then we can see how the session takes shape and how the coaching is done. Someone who is training to be a coach or is a coach will have familiarity, but someone who is not will be raw and it will take some deep work and intuiting to work with that person. I think that is a beneficial example to break down. Again this is only my perception, but great video lesson.

    1. Evercoach by Mindvalley

      Thanks for the insight! This live coaching sessions was done at our Evercoach Summit event, specifically designed for coaches. We also have other videos breaking down coaching sessions with non-coach guests if you want to check them out 🙂 We appreciate your suggestions.

  4. Rav Empowers

    Great coacing session. Maybe it’s just me but the commentary in between felt very jarring and the flashy transitions felt a bit distracting. Think the video would have been a lot more effective with a different commentator. But in overall, very thankful to you guys for putting this together

    1. Evercoach by Mindvalley

      @Ella Caulfield We’re sorry you feel that way. The full demonstration is offered inside our membership, but we wanted to share some interesting snippets from it for other coaches to learn from. Thank you for your feedback though 🙂

  5. austin thaijam

    1) creating the space:
    introduction, make client feel comfortable
    “how can i help?”
    empathy first
    2) go deep like therapy
    3) identify and break patterns
    – use I statements
    – it’s okay to challenge the client
    4) followup, keep client accountable

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