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How To Find A Mentor (Literal Step By Step Guide)

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How to find a mentor that can help you and guide you to your goals. Business mentors especially!


How to find a mentor in business or any other area of your life. Getting a mentor is actually far less magical and abstract as you might think.

1) A mentor is literally anyone who already is where you want to be.
I’ll do it on my own – dumbest idea ever

2) Find out where they are and what they need

3) reach out to potential business mentors
Most mentors are honored but busy and easily creeped out by “fanboys"

Thus: be precise and short, don’t be creepy + offer your potential business mentor value (thus researching what they could possible need)

Value: what they need, connector, at the very least offer to work for free

4) many mentors offer programs. Get on board with those. If you’re lacking money sell your XBox, take a random job and save so you can invest it into mentorship – compared value of an Xbox

entitlement (should be for free) and mentors who have abundance. Don’t be entitled, everyone wants to be mentored by them, a mentor for free probably won’t be a good mentor (at least work for free or be exceptional in your abilities)

People think how to get a mentor is difficult but if you really pay attention to these rules and follow the guidelines to finding a business mentor you should be good to go and nothing stands between you and your success!

Max Tornow is an entrepreneur, author and public speaker. He's traveled the globe 4 times building one of the world's biggest brands for dating advice and personal development. Today, Max focusses on helping people achieve the same freedom and lifestyle that he's earned through years of trial, error and hard work. Watch, execute and live freely.

#business #money #freedombusiness #businessadvice

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    1. Eugen Malatov

      This is a critical but very reasonable and interesting question. How many RSD mentors working for free were there? How were they treated? How many got anything back in return and in the end became successful?

  1. Max Tornow

    Another hands-on step by step guide upon your request!

    – like it? hate it?
    – video suggestions?
    – general critique / feedback?

    COMMENT BELOW (I read them all!)

    GG and much love, thank you so much for being psyched about this channel, thank you so much for watching and engaging with me – I really really appreciate it!

    1. CrylonBlue

      This video is just genius haha. Of course many people will see this video and will think that max is a mentor for them. By advising people to buy mentor programms, you indirectly promote your own mentor programm. Very sneaky but beautifully done. Besides that, the content also gives value…

    2. Karan Singh

      @Eldelpatinn attend his sessions ask whatever you want to ask sessions are completely free plus he earns nothing through his content on youtube or anywhere… That guy is already rich AF, famous, spiritually awakened etc he is just spreading his knowledge to everyone with zero expectations

    3. Eldelpatinn

      @Karan Singh i guess i’d like to know how he free mentor 9.5 million humans, or even 1% of these that is “only” 95.000. No hating, just saying that he should live for them if he do that.

    4. Tony Wijaya

      thx max for evrythin u do here, never knew one could be so passionate and teaches us how take a accurate 1st step, that was indeed very important step to make .. it opens up my mind alot

  2. 5th Dimension

    Max : new definition of coaching

    Your content is so dope… psychologically attuned, rhetoric and speechs capacities insanes, and raw content shared for free. So transparent and honest, gg ?

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