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How To Find a Mentor

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Mentors can help fast track you to success. Here's what a mentor is and how you can find a mentor to help guide you in business and life
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How To Find a Mentor
0:15 – A mentor is someone who can fast track you to success
0:35 – You don’t need a mentor to succeed
0:55 – Look for a mentor who’s done what you are looking to do
1:29 – Be willing to listen and learn
2:19 – How do you find a mentor
2:48 – Don’t just DM people you don’t know asking them to be your mentor
3:34 – Make your mentor want to work with you
4:05 – If you don’t have a special skill to offer, then pay them
4:41 – The stairs to getting better mentorship

What Is The Minority Mindset?
The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look or what kind of family you're from. It's a mindset.

Give the majority $200 and they will come back with a pair of shoes. Give the minority $200 they will come back with $2,000.

Think from the mindset of a consumer and be the provider, that's the Minority Mindset. Don't be the majority. #MIH #ThinkMinority

Twitter: @M2JaspreetSingh
Personal Instagram: @M2JaspreetSingh

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Video host: Jaspreet Singh

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  1. Michael Jay - Value Investing

    One of the reasons paid coaching/mentoring is so effective is that when people pay money for advice, they are much more likely to listen to it. There is plenty of valuable advice freely available on the internet, but most of it is never followed.

  2. Oscar Martinez

    One of the most important thing about finding a mentor is to find one that is ACTUALLY successful in the field you’re in definitely true bro ? which is also why i look up to your videos in order to improve my own Youtube channel since youre the ? when it comes to these type of things ??

  3. super nerd

    I see my boss as my mentor–he does not have the official title of mentor..but close enough.
    my boss has always told me when you are doing something new reach out to the right person…sometimes even competitors will give you guidance. he always seems to know the right person who is really smart and friendly and will help you avoid some of the pitfalls and mistakes they made and will bring up points you did not think of no matter how smart you are or think you are.

    the other thing he laments and tells me is when his business started growing he did not always reach out to a business lawyer or CPA in advance to help lay the proper foundation. (to save money).
    and the cost of fixing things as your company continues to grow can cost you a heck of a lot more than doing it properly at first. (when you try and save money , sometimes it costs you a lot lot more when you have to go back and fix whatever you did)

    just remember if you find a great mentor… when you are old and wise yourself pay it forward!

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