How To Be A Life Coach: Life Coaching Tips From A Successful Life Coach
If you have a desire to help people grow and evolve, being a life coach is a great profession to have. There is nothing more powerful than knowing that someone's life has changed because of your advice and support. Do you want to know how to be a life coach? Get your free Life Mastery Toolkit where I will give you life coaching tips that I use in my own coaching business:
Discover how to be a life coach with these simple life coaching tips from a life coach. I also share my inspirational story on how I was able to become a life coach and build a successful coaching business online. Check out the blog post below for more details.
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Being clear on your ideal client is key. It always comes from the areas you struggle in!
This is one of the best short videos I’ve seen on what it takes to be a life coach or what it takes to successfully sell information products online. What makes the video stand out to me is the simplicity of the reality that you need to really want to help people by sharing what you know more than anything else. Outstanding job, Stefan!
Great advice. I feel one more thing to add is the one can be a coach in an area where they overcame great adversity, like regaining health after a long sickness(somthing I did). The accomplishment will seem like nothing for someone who has never been sick and has had ample energy. But to one who is struggling where just surviving through a full day is a full time job plus- it is an inspiration to them. Here the thriving super energy charged person will not be of use because he/she cannot understand the reality that walking to the bathroom can be a marathon for the ill. Basically what I am saying is that there is a messenger for each type of person with each type of challenge. In the end you got to want to help so I most agree with that advice.
+Alexis Tudor Great response – there is so much out there for life coaching and people are more open to it this generation.
I have spent months researching into how to become wealthy and successful and discovered an awesome resource at Magic Progress Shortcut (google it if you are interested)
@Alexis Tudor Hi I like your video, particularly your tips in the second half concerning success program
. A product I also found useful for best self improvement programs
was Skyarza Success Secrets Star – search google if you like
@Alexis Tudor i like your comment but i personally recommend skyarza success secrets star for better result . Please Google it for more information .
I agree! Thanks for the comment.
This video was absolutely superb! Thank you
I discovered you last year and you are great person ,thank you for the valuable content that you share via your video and your blog .
This was a great video, brilliant advice, from a down to earth person, i learned alot from listening to you, your a good mentor, i want to become a life coach to coach people on a one to one, im a qualified trained reiki healing therapist, i help people, whenever i can, for free, my main purpose is to help people to improve thier lives and to support them to personal empowerment, this is what i really love doing! and i feel its my main purpose in life, and im really good at what i do, ive been doing it for a number of years now, and i need to earn money and be more proactive, so that i can expand and progress my developement, and gain more skills to help others, like the life coaching training, everything is so expensive these days.
Thank you, for your advices … You gave a good answer to one of my main questions! +1 follower from Hungary! 🙂
Hey great video! I really find all this information useful. I was wondering, how do you start a blog? Or as should rephrase it, ho did you go about starting your own blog? I’m not much of a wiz on this type of stuff, so getting advice from a person like you would really be useful! Thanks again for taking your time on reading and for this video and I really do hope to hear from you
Thank you for this great video. I wasn’t sure where to start. It brought me clarity 🙂
This video has really helped so thank you very much for inspiring me!! Look forward to watching more of your videos. 🙂
Thank you for the inspiring video. Really, thanks a lot!
It´s so true that the first motivation shouldn´t be wanting to earn money, but to help people and offer them inspiring articles or videos. For me it´s the same thing. I just want to share lessons and issues I have been growing through, in order to help one or two; and hopefully one day more.
Of course it would be awesome if I could one day do this for a living; being a motivational speaker and life-coach. But every time I had this pressure of wanting to earn money, I wasn´t really productive. Then, when I only cared about really helping somebody inside their soul, it worked. I forgot the money and actually, I stopped caring about it. I am sure that if it´s suppose to be so, it will happen by itself. That´s how it happened with you, right?
Your information is so valuable. Thank you for giving us such great advice and content for free. The way you put things…just makes sense. Take it easy, Ill continue to watch!
Thank you! I like your business model of having clients come to you rather than selling others on why they need you. I’ve never wanted to be a sales person so this was very helpful!
as the first video I am watching of yours, THANK YOU. I am on my journey and excited about my path as well as yours.
Thank you!
Here is a great video you will love:
Thanks for this wonderful Video!
I was always worried about my work and hence not performing my work properly, so i was seriously looking for predictions of everything i do , especially my goals
i got this cool Mobile app called “SUCCESS PREDICTOR” by lokesh which helps to predict based on several mental and physical questions and this has made me lot more easy and stress free
thank you for this advice! I started doing facebook LIVE videos also and I will start doing youtube videos tonight 🙂 I also started a blog. I guess I am on track.
So energising! Thank you : )
This is a great video man, it really inspires me.
I started my blog about a month and a half ago (actually longer than that but I bought a domain more recently) and I am not getting many views. I have been trying to put it out there on Twitter and Facebook though!
I haven’t been doing videos too much, but I plan on getting a camera soon so I can dive more into that!
But seriously, keep up the great work man!
thank you for sharing, I observe in other videos too, that being genuine first, and financial gain latter is highly appreciated. peace.
You said just what I needed to hear, at exactly the right time..
Cheers bud 😉