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French Business Culture – Global Sales Mentor | Zach Selch

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French Business Culture – Global Sales Mentor | Zach Selch

people buy and sell differently in every culture. Every week we look at how differences in culture can impact your sales.

Zach Selch is the VP Global Sales for a high tech medical company and coaches and mentors Global Sales Leaders. Over 30 years he has sold in more than 135 countries, lived in 6 countries and has driven 4 digit sales growth multiple times while adding hundreds of millions of dollars to the value of companies by building their international footprint. Zach is an ex-paratrooper, a father of 3 and boxes, smokes brisket, and runs a soup kitchen when he isn’t on the road. Zach was in Germany when the wall went down, Jordan when peace with Israel was signed, has breakfasted with the Dalai Lama, and has been in the right place for a surprising number of right times.

Zach believes that one should understand and enjoy the cultures around the world when he travels, and he believes in taking sales to the very highest level of professionalism. Zach’s videos cover sales and leadership issues, cross cultural selling, food and local culture, business book reviews and international medical markets.

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