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Training Opportunities (Job Skills Training Orientation)

Information on scholarships, grants and financial assistance from CareerSource Brevard based on eligibility, suitability and available funds If you have an interest in continuing

Soft Skills Free Workshop

Employers are looking for candidates who have these essential skills. Learn what they are and how to show that you possess these skills. Discover

Employability Skills Development

The Next Chosen Generation CIC Employability Skills Training for 16-25 year olds. Covid generation: UK youth unemployment ‘set to triple to 80s levels’ “Covid

Learning Skills Together

Learning Skills Together Join the Caring for the Caregiver Program for an updated version of the Skills Training Workshop program, called Learning Skills Together.

Developing Reading for Pleasure. Free Training!

Developing Reading for Pleasure in the Primary Classroom We know from current research that children who read for pleasure perform better in all subjects.

HR Skills Training – Taster Session

HR Skills Training – Taster Session Virtual training to equip HR teams with essential case resolution skills Join us for this 30 minute taster

Remote Media Interview Skills Training

Media interview skills training for challenging times. Our remote media training closely replicates the experience of face-to-face training. You will see, hear and be

QPR-Suicide Prevention Skills Training

QPR gives you the words and actions that could save a life QPR stands for Question, Persuade, Refer and will give you some of