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Presentation Skills Training

A Half Day Presentation Skills Training Course Join my online Presentation Skills Training Course Join my online Presentation Skills training course if you are


This training is to develop skill needed to help understand working with those returning from prison. Topics Covered Prison environment Trauma and Healing Transformation


How can mentors help startups with project management techniques and tools? Join us for a two-hour session! Join us in a session about project

The Future of Leadership: Mentor Coaching

Develop Mentor Coach skills to help tackle tough business issues. Do you understand the difference between mentoring and coaching? Are you interested in identifying

Essential HR Skills Training

This half day course will train you in your responsibilities as an employer & how to manage your HR function from the beginning to

Consultancy Skills Training

Aim of workshop: To develop your internal consultancy skills, appreciate how to deep dive into a performance or business issue and implement

MentorHackathon 2020

1-Day online event by MeetMentors that brings together mentors and young mentees from across Africa. MentorHackathon is a signature program of MeetMentors that brings

Virtual Producer Skills Training

Virtual Producer Skills Training In this two hour workshop, you will develop your virtual producer skills and master the techniques for supporting Virtual Instructor-Led

Multicultural Virtual Training

Multicultural virtual training February 5th & March 5th – 8:00 – 10:00am The Dakota County Safe and Drug-Free Schools and the Statewide Health Improvement