Join the Caring for the Caregiver Program for an updated version of the Skills Training Workshop program, called Learning Skills Together. Learning Skills Together is a 2-week course that is delivered by video conference (Zoom). During this program, topics covered will include transfer/fall prevention, home safety, medication management, and issues related to behavior management.
For the November LST course, we will hold 2 sessions from 10 am to 1:15 pm.
We are evaluating the Learning Skills Together in a research study.
Family Caregivers, including families of choice (for example friends), who are assisting someone living with mid-stage dementia may also be eligible to participate in a study regarding how participation in the Learning Skills Together Program affects caregivers.
If you would like to help us with this research, click here to find out if you might be eligible.
ATTENTION: If you would like to find out if you are eligible to participate in the study please copy and paste the link above in another tab and complete your registration for this event. Once you have completed your registration you can fill-out the survey and we will follow-up with you.
Session Dates: Saturday, November 14th Saturday, November 21st
For more information on this event, contact Jennifer Brackett at 210-450-8715 or or 210-450-8862 for assistance with registering.