Cereal Box to Language Coach: My Story of Learning 10 Languages
My name is Kerstin and I looooooove languages. Today’s video is personal – I’ll tell you about my own story of the roughly 10ish languages I picked up (or didn’t) in my life. I’ll share which languages I speak now, how long I’ve been learning, and how you can go deep or wide with languages – polyglots and linguists!
Video was first broadcast in my Facebook Group "Fluent Language Learners". More live classes every Friday, so come and join us!
The Language Habit Toolkit – everyone should have one:
Introducing Linguistics
Kristine Kershul, whose "10 Minutes a Day" series I like for starting new languages, especially your first or 2nd:
German Grammar Help:
Check out my language learning blog at www.fluentlanguage.co.uk/blog and follow Fluent Language on Twitter too: @fluentlanguage