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Why you need a MENTOR in show business.

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The Hollywood Talent Manager Wendy Alane Wright teaches actors the inside secrets of Show Business. Wendy has written 5 books to help actors and singers break into show business. Her books can be purchased at To SKYPE with Wendy directly visit her coaching website

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  1. Emily Brown

    Actors are so fortunate to be living in the digital age! You’re right though – you have to be prepared for when opportunity strikes! I’m currently in the process of crossing my t’s and dotting my i’s, so that I’m ready for the upcoming representation Sunday. Thank you for this info!

  2. The Candyman

    WENDY ALANE!!! PLEASE KNOW THAT EVERYTHING YOU DO IS AMAZING AND VERY APPREACIATED. I’m glad that you are doing this. I am extremely thankful for all the things you teach. Thank you

  3. Nekita Burrell

    Thank you Wendy for providing us with so much necessary information. My children are actors and we watch your videos while taking notes. We just started in this business (in January) and we have learned so much from you! Thank you, thank you and thank you. ❤

  4. Sparrow

    Hello Wendy, Thank you for taking the time to put up these videos. I think it would be good to have a video where you can talk about finding reputable acting classes and what you can expect when your in training. When I was younger, I had gone to a seminar where they pitched acting/modeling classes. I was lucky that I could not afford to go to these classes because I found out after a few weeks later that it was a scam. The scam was that they would bring aspiring actors and models to ‘Big city name’ from all over and spend a few days with them and would start upselling higher-end packages. If you didn’t buy these higher-end packages you were left in ‘big city name’ frantically calling family and friends so people could buy plane tickets home.

    Now, many years later I moved location and I am looking at a local talent agency in this small city.
    We have a college that teaches film so their will be plenty of student films I could look at when I think I am ready but I want to take some acting classes first. However, I would like to know what I should be looking for in the acting classes so that I know I am getting useful information.

    Simply being told “Put more energy into it” then just saying the same lines louder and being told “That as great!” doesn’t make sense to me.

    Now perhaps your ‘Winners circle’ course may be what I am looking for? Does the course go into specifics? I don’t even know the terminology yet. Also due to how I learn, it works best for me to have someone I can bounce verification and thoughts off of and I can get immediate feedback.

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