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Success Stories from Home Business Training Mentor Dani Johnson

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Dani Johnson just came back from her live first steps to success seminar in Dallas, TX
Do you know what's been holding you back?

Copy the EXACT Step-by-Step System That Took This Young Woman From Living Out of Her Car to Making Her FIRST $1,000,000.00 in Under 2 Years!

That's exactly what an exclusive group of home-business owners, professionals and every day average people are doing each and every month. And now is your personal invitation to join them on the path to six-figures… are you ready? If so, watch this video, then keep reading.

Video Footage From Our Recent Seminar in Detroit, MI

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*guest pass can be used for first time attendees only

This Event Will Transform Your Life,
Explode Your Sales and Skyrocket Your Income… Guaranteed!

Dani Johnson knows first hand what it takes to overcome adversity and succeed in business. She went from living out of her car with $2.03 cents to her name to making $250,000 her first year and went on to earn her first million by the age of 23. Since then shes committed her life to sharing with others her proven success system and the true keys to success and total freedom in all areas of life.

Dani is a Relationship Marketing Expert and has trained thousands how to achieve extraordinary success in the home business industry and beyond. She has shattered records, been a #1 international producer and owned her own Direct Selling company. Never before has she been available to train outside her personal sales force. Now this industry trainer who has been sought after by numerous companies is available to you.

Dani's ability to give very specific answers in a direct, straight-to-the gut, no-holds-barred, no-fluff manner combined with her raw motivation style, is what sets her apart from other trainers.

Her First Steps To Success seminars propel you forward and bring out your maximum potential by giving you the tools that you need in order to achieve success in your home based business, professional career and personal life. This training will take years off your learning curve and will give you the specific tools, techniques and a burning desire to get the results you've been looking for now! If you are ready for a life changing experience, ready to step up as a leader, be a top producer and affect other peoples lives, then don't miss this powerful, full two-day event!

Here's Just Some of The Skills and Strategies You Will Learn That Will Absolutely Explode Your Business Over The Next 90 Days and Why You Absolutely Cannot Afford to Miss This Event:

* How to build a LARGE loyal customer base that generates thousands in monthly residual income into your pocket!
* Recruiting and prospecting, Dani shares her exact formula and system that built 20,000 reps in 2 years while working part-time 20 hours per week!
* How to get out of your own way so you can achieve those goals and dreams you've always wanted in life!
* Learn prospecting skills of the pros and how to become a top recruiter in your company!
* How to motivate yourself and your business associates for more sales and more profits!
* How to manage your time so you get MORE done in LESS time!
* How to set goals for growth in your sales organization!
* How to work with and motivate different personalities, including yourself!
* How to recruit different personalities and zone into their hot buttons to help them succeed!
* Learn a PROVEN system to completely eliminate ALL of your DEBT in 5-7 years regardless of how much income your make!
* Secrets of teamwork and building loyalty!
* Powerful phone skills and building a long distance organization!
* Effective follow-up that produces results and increases your paycheck!
* How to hit top positions in your company in record time!
* Building a solid foundation that lasts!
* The difference between management and leadership in your business and personal life!
* How to turn your excuses into results and never turn back!
* Ego vs. bank account – the secret to continual success in every area of your life!
* Turning customers into sales associates!
* How to get your customers to give you referrals!
* Building, motivating and maintaining a strong organizational team!
* Secrets to improving your communication skills!
* How to get over your past for good, once and for all!
* How to act instead of react to problems and challenges!
* Mastering the basics of your business for consistent duplication!
* Identify areas in your life that are holding you back and how to take immediate steps to turn them around!

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  1. Kevin Tyler Smith


    Just thought I would give you a shout.

    I loved the video. Keep up the good work as it is almost impossible for you to not see massive growth.

    Be humble. Stay agressive.


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