How Do You Find A Mentor?
Alux Answers: "How Do You Find A Mentor?"
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In this video we'll try to answer the following questions:
What is a mentor?
Why do you need a mentor?
How to find a mentor?
What are some secret ways to finding a mentor?
Do I really need a mentor?
#alux #mentor #success
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I see a lot of videos on becoming rich and successful but few on maintaining discipline and mastering your state of mind so you do not self sabotage or self destruct to me that is the most important!
Rodney Jackson check out the book “the One thing”
That’s the question I was struggling most with! Thank you Alux, you are the reason I chose a better path in my life.
Thank You again this was an amazing video I’m definitely going to watch more of you guy’s video’s it’s like I feel something bigger happening inside of me already
How do i find a cannabis investor/mentor….. (being serious) : Really no words can describe how you are useful and inspired for me ? Thanks for everything … Greetings from Dubai 🙂
Amazing video! Thanks ❤️
Thanks Alux
next please, 15 things on how to improve relation with mentor
Amazing, Thank You Alux …
Love this thank you.
Alux my friend as well as my mentor From the bottom of my heart I thank you ?
It would be a blessing, each time I have attempted this mentor attempted to swindle me?
Thank You
alux who is the lady speaker?..make a 15 things about the speaker..will be awesome..
They r not revealing Bro
i agree!
Alux u are the only reason for at lest 50 % of people success ❤️ happy new year guys and lots of love from India ❤️❤️
Yes, I do!
100% Mentors are a must!! Its good to learn from our experience. But its even better to learn from a mentors experience because they can warn you of any mistakes they made so you dont make the same ones.
Tank The KnowledgeBank Merci. Actually i want to start a business of tissue paper making co. So i’m looking for a mentor who can guide me in this field.
Muskan Pradhan I got you. I’ve had giod luck finding quality mentors. Maybe I could help out if your down to connect.
Tank The KnowledgeBank but i never got one. I email, post comment, ask but non of them had replied. ?
Alux, believe me, your actually my mentor
Abdirahman Jamal – regardless of grammar and spelling, your sentiment was obvious and apparent. Thank you. I agree with your original post and what you were trying to convey to both Alux and the rest of the youtube viewers. ??
Guys like you are the reason India’s not developed,duhh.
Aswin Krishna Learn to treat your race equally. No one is different to each other, even if you’re Muslim.
Your voice is so sweet,I am in love with you ??
Sohel Malik ???
I have no doubt. I also have no doubt that you missed the point completely.
I will accept her in hijab
That’s how you would choose a partner anyways if behind a hijaab
I assume, from your voice fluctuations, that people have to come to YOU guys before asking to get paid BEFORE proving their worth, and i commend you on wanting to see proof first,stick to your guns and you guys will hit the million subs mark and more!