How Life Coaching Works
A professional visual presentation of how coaching helps to transform your life. More info at
Coaching is becoming known as the best method of taking anyone from where they are today to where they want to be. A coach’s job is to tap into your creativity and resourcefulness through confidential, non-judgmental dialogue. Sometimes this involves “surface strategies” like goal-setting or habit change.
But what about those factors under the surface that seem to repeatedly take us to an undesired series of outcomes?
Here’s how it all works:
Your beliefs drive your thoughts, and your thoughts drive your emotion. Let’s break this down a bit.
For most people, they know they are physically capable of achieving everything they want out of life. In our logical world, we put a huge amount of emphasis on the physical, and we seem to ignore the emotional.
However, emotional limitations are by far the most powerful forces that keep you from getting where you want to be. They cloud our judgment, we feel “heavy,” and we are unable to see the person we truly are.
Emotion can be described as “a psycho-physiological reaction to a thought.” Think about that for a moment. Your emotions are directly linked to your thoughts.
Most people think that their emotions are triggered by what people say or do, contexts and circumstances outside of their control. If this is true, you become a victim of everything going on around you. You’re in the back seat, and your driver has had one too many.
So if your thoughts drive your emotions, what if you could simply observe your thoughts and decide which ones to believe? What if you and your thoughts were separate? When you are your thoughts, you are a victim. When you observe your thoughts, you begin to take control.
This separation between self and thought is the single most powerful concept to any form of self-development or personal transformation.
So where do these thoughts come from? They come from your underlying beliefs. Simply put, your beliefs are your personal filter, a series of decisions that you made about yourself and the world that were heavily influenced by your upbringing, schooling and culture.
The clues to discovering these beliefs are found by observing your thoughts. Once you and your coach bring these beliefs out in the open, you can keep the ones that help you and let go of the ones that don’t. When an unhelpful negative belief is undone, it can no longer generate negative thoughts, and therefore cannot hold you back or cause you pain.
The triggers to your emotions are also uncovered by observing your thoughts. Sometimes it’s not necessary to undo the underlying belief. When you recognize the absurdity of some of your thoughts, you can simply find a healthier substitute.
Through the coaching process, your new way of thinking is reinforced and the old ones begin to weaken and fade away. Once you have awareness, there’s no going back to old patterns.
You will begin to see the world in a new and exciting way, and you may even laugh at how you used to react emotionally to certain situations that now simply have no negative meaning for you.
You are no longer carrying that heaviness with you wherever you go, because the coaching conversation helped you to let go of the weight! When you are “lighter,” you are more in tune with your intuition, your creativity, and you have clarity in your life.
The invisible barrier between you and what you want simply disappears. This is the power of the coaching conversation.
What part of your life isn’t where you want it to be? What are you waiting for?
When my thoughts drive my emotions, it usually ends up in disaster. It might be quite difficult to change my beliefs, as they have developed over the years. That is why I have signed with your24hcoach in order to be able to replace my negative by positive beliefs. It is true that coaching sessions can help you to break this invisible barrier between me and the person I really want to be. I have already “smashed” some stones of that barrier, due to being coached.
That’s great to hear!
I like the driver seat and the back seat metaphor 🙂
When I’m in the back seat, circumstances literally “drive” me!
Excellent, will use it it my practice.
Thank you so much, Paul!
My pleasure!
Video gets straight to key points. Exactly what I was looking for to help with my thoughts driving my emotions. Thanks a TON!
My pleasure! I’ve added a lot of new content – hope you find it helpful!
I love this video… Great content…
… but .. the background (noise) music, is unnecessary and distracting.
We just want to be able to HEAR you talk, with no interruptions.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful presentation.
Thank you! I’ve taken your feedback into account on my later videos. Much appreciated!
Very useful and makes a great training resource. Because we enjoyed this and rate it so highly, we’ve embedded this in our MTL Course Plans on ManageTrainLearn and on our online courses on My Learning Log so it’s available to a bigger audience. Thanks!
Nice video Paul! Life coaching can certainly help us dig deep in our subconsciousness to release disempowering beliefs and install empowering ones ? Sometimes, we don’t have the awareness or skill to ask the right questions, and that’s when a competent and compassionate coach can really help. ?
Love this video and the basis of Alzheimer’s Coaching at Remembering4You.
Dr. Ethelle Lord
Pioneers in Alzheimer’s Coaching
Okay, My whole life was a lie!
5 yrs spent training to be a counsellor and 10 yrs now in practice, I have just finished life coaching training and the outcomes I am observing are amazing. I feel like throwing my counselling certs all away. This really works faster on getting results.
Thanks Paul!
Nice. Until very recently I thought life coaching was mostly advice giving. I’m thinking of becoming a coach, do you think its important to take an accredited course?
I feel in cases where people are finding themselves stuck in life rather than needing counselling to deal with deeper issues then it allows them quickly to focus on the present, identify where they want to be, get super motivated and set goals to reach successful outcomes in only a few sessions. I’ve seen this working much quicker with coaching tools than in a counselling session. (Person centered)
What about it do you think makes it so much more effective?
+Jago īśvara It depends on what kind of coaching you want to do, but in general, I’d recommend it. Feel free to contact me at – I love speaking with aspiring coaches.
The coaching concept is very well explained. Being coach myself i found it useful to be shared with people who would like to know about Coaching.
Share away! I’m glad you found it useful!
Emotional reasoning – feelings do not create facts. One of the most important concepts in psychotherapy.
Exactly! Glad you found it helpful.
Great work, Paul. This is a very succinct presentation of a lot of important coaching ideas. Thanks! I’m going to use it often.
Thank you!
Great overview, thank you for sharing.
Thank you Susan!
tem COMO traduzir para português ??
Elegantly simple…..thank you!!
You’re very welcome!
I loved this video.Thanks Paul.
Glad you liked it. Feel free to check out some of my new content 🙂
This is very nicely done.
Thank you! I’ll be adding a lot of new content this year.
Great stuff,thanks so much for sharing Arlyn
between thoughts and emotions there is no one way ticket.
…yet many are unaware! Thank you for your comment.
Excellent video. “Your believes drive yours thoughts and your thoughts drive your emotions”. Exactly!
Glad you liked it! I’ve added lots of new content – hope you find it helpful!
Inspiring words, love this vid, SUBSCRIBED!! Let’s be YouTube friends?
Thanks! Love your channel and what you’re doing!