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3 Ways To Find A Mentor

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Many people ask Dan Lok how to find a mentor. In this video, he reveals 3 ways to find a mentor. Using these methods, he was able to be mentored by a multi-billionaire, and one of the world's best copywriters and marketers. Watch it now to discover the 3 ways to find a mentor.


Check out these Top Trending Playlist:
1.) How to Sell High Ticket Products & Services:

2.) The Art of High Ticket Sales –

3.) Millionaire Mindset –

Dan Lok, a.k.a. The King of High-Ticket Sales is one of the highest-paid and most respected consultants in the luxury and “high-ticket” space.

Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world's most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.

Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.

Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures.

Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he's also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.

Dan's availability is extremely limited. As such, he's very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are).

Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.

But if you think your business might benefit from one-on-one interaction with Dan, visit



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#DanLok #Mentorship #FindAMentor

This video is about 3 Ways To Find A Mentor

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  1. Dan Lok

    What was your biggest takeaway from
    my video? Comment below.

    Also, you can comment any questions
    you have for me.

    I might feature your question
    in one of my next videos.

    Don’t forget. Like. Comment. And subscribe.

    1. Kelvin Baman

      Going to work and also trying to trade crypto was a problem for me, it always ended in losses I even gave up but I was introduced to this awesome manager Jason by my brother sure it was a little bit cryptic at first but I was able to understand everything in a short while through Jason McQueen I am able to earn $12000 using the bare minimum weekly. For any trading help contact him on Insta @Jason_real.fx

    2. amz 8

      Wtf, why must we pay the mentors a penny but we can listen to you, jack ma, bill gate, mark z, etc for free on YouTube ? They always gives so many free advice based on experience.

      Because after paying mentor, they will just say what they usually say in YouTube, if not, what exactly they will say and teach ya ?

      Sorry Dan, i agree with the three points but for paying one, I think I must disagree

    3. MEMO

      Mr Lok….What I can offer you is providing Manufacturing in Mexico for companies that would like to take advantage of the US/Mexico Trade relationship….Also involved is the Logistics that would also be profitable in this venture. I believe now is the time for foreign companies to take advantage of the relationship. I thought I would take the risk of commenting to you sir. Thank you, Guillermo Guajardo

  2. LionOfGod

    Dan. In your book FU Money, you stated a story of how you got a call from your aunt in Hong Kong saying your dad is in stroke. And that was the turning point and you said that to change one self, pain is a requirement. Tai lopez talks about the same thing that its much difficult to teach an old dog new tricks. And that after you’re 25 or 30 you mostly learn through massive trauma/pain. Do you agree with this? Would you say the optimal time to develop yourself is when you’re under 25? If possible, a video on this would be great. Thanks Dan, love your videos

    1. The Health Boss

      If you notice a lot of the top mentors like Dan, Tony Robin’s and many others say this. There’s a saying and goes like this flocks of feathers walk together. That’s why they all think the same way they just have their own way of approaching it

    2. Danielle Francisco

      LionOfGod No matter how old you are the best time to develop yourself is now. If you ask the most successful people about what they could trade for all the wealth they possess… they have one common answer it’s TIME. because you might accumulate wealth in your life time but at the end you’ll leave it all behind.

    3. taral -

      That could be the pattern with the majority, but each individual is different. Pain and desperation are very strong catalysts, I will definitely agree, but some people burry themselves under them and never get back up.

  3. Arturo Cabello - Searching For Meaning

    As you’ve said before Dan, to find a mentor you must provide some sort of value! Many successful people don’t have to mentor anyone, but if you show that you are dedicated, then you’ll catch someone’s attention soon enough!

  4. Be a Millionaire

    1. Give value
    2.??- Don’t be afraid of asking!
    Maybe paying for their time, just to show how serious you are.
    3. Again don’t ask for help, give value first. Also this is going for the savage compilation!?

  5. Lincoln Ioane

    Investing in yourself through your mentor is a powerful line in this video!!! Showing you are serious about the relationship/bond between
    Absolutely amazing..
    Learning everyday to add value and progress my skill set???

  6. Angie F

    I recently started watching you videos and in the short time I have learned a lot from you. I love how real you keep things and your book is an eye opener for me and a motivator. I believe I will be successful. Thank you!!!!!

  7. llkhjlkhj

    At the moment i build my own business and i have currently success in it.
    I must say your videos are pretty helpful. Your are not my only source but one of them.
    And i thank you for all the good advices!

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