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3 Tips to Find a Business Mentor | Brian Tracy

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To be successful, you have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things you need to learn to achieve your goals. No matter where you are in your journey as a business professional, a mentor can be incredibly valuable. Watch this video to learn how to find a business mentor.

Want to learn how to master your time, generate more income, and reach your most important goals? Sign up for a call with one of my business coaches. Click the link above!

#businessmentor #findamentor

0:00- Introduction
1:00- Use a personal network
1:55- Connect with others on social networks
2:10- Attend network events and join mastermind groups
3:04- Business coach
3:50- Coaching session
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    1. Survey Account

      Hello Mr. Tracy ur a life changing mentor ! Awesome video thanks for take the time to invest in other people’s life. I wish I can have you as my mentor ?. I just have a question The coaching session with you team is for people who have a business idea and they need support or also for those who need to know their passion before they start the business ? I hope you will read my message and respond. Thank you ❤️

    2. Kapil bhat

      Hey in order to improve your life….You must join Art of living. It’s an organization made by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankraji. The Sudarshan Kriya of Art of living (Breath and Meditation workshop) Guided by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankraji is an amazing. It will be ? upliftment. The Sudarshan Kriya improves Mental , physical and spiritual aspects of our life.Blood pressure , Thyroid , Mental problems , Depression, stress ,anger, sleep problem (insomnia) & Many more, Sudarshan Kriya also creates anti cancer Properties in body to fight against cancer. Even Corona patients are getting negative after doing wonderful Sudarshan Kriya.spiritual improvement is also there..….. Guys kindly go to YouTube & search for Sudarshan Kriya. And also watch public’s feedback of it. You’ll just cry. Sudarshan kriya is recommended by WHO, Harvards University, Yale University & by AIIMS Delhi too. I’ve done this course before 6 months & my life has attained wonderfull another level. Kindly do this course on priority.You can enroll for Online Breath & Meditation workshop on http://www.Artofliving.org

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  2. Jana Kuricová

    Thank you for the video.I am professional executive coach of ICF and can confirm – coaching is amazing tool to achieve his or her goals?(I also use to coach myself – my brain according to ICF methods).

    1. The Business Empire

      @The Self-Improvement Hub
      Well, everything you will need from a mentor is to help you to succeed. And if you know what to do and your are sure of the result you will not need a mentor.
      Am I right ?
      Are you doing any business ??

    2. The Self-Improvement Hub

      @The Business Empire It less of an “expecting” to be honest, and much more “compatibility” – it’s a lot of social adaptation that happens between a mentor and a “novice” from my experience

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