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3 Mentoring Tips – How To Become A Better Mentor

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Want to learn how to become a better mentor? In this video I go over three tips to becoming a more effective mentor.

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Tip #1. Listen
This tip sounds basic, that's because it is but it's very important. People need to know that you're ACTUALLY listening to what they are saying.

Tip #2. Congruency
Be congruent with what your teaching as a mentor is very important for your reputation. If you teaching one thing but you're are going off to do another thing; the people you're teaching will see you as hypocritical and never take you seriously.
You also need to hold them accountable, ensuring they are taking actions that are congruent to the goals that have been set.

Tip#3. Accountability
Hold people accountable to take positive actions towards their goals. If they're doing something that will steer them away from their goal, tell them. Guide them to get back on track with actions that lead to achieving their goals.

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  1. Carlos Soto

    Listen: They have your attention & intrest of what they have to say.
    (Builds trust and confidence)
    Congruency: Actions need to be congruent with the goal.
    Meaning: Congruent is our own action need to be congruent as well.
    In other words;
    (Be what you preach) Congruent.
    Acountability: Hold them accountable.
    By asking how they plan to obtain that certain thing.
    And for it to work we must have Authenticity:
    Thank you brother great content may you be bless in health, peace, wealth and love.

  2. Mukhia Vidya Kiran

    1. Listen – Interest n attention
    2. Congruence – reflect one’s words in one’s own action + encourage the right way
    3. Accountability – Follow ups

    well u gotta watch for the last n imp one 🙂

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